I know some of you haven't heard from me in a while, but things have been hectic the month of August. We had to prepare for back to school, get classrooms ready, and Kevin started Freshman football. To say the least, we've been swamped!
Tai just started 3rd grade at Wide Hollow and she is loving it! Tai is a social-bug, so being at school is heaven for her.
Miss Marli just started her final year in preschool. She knows that she must learn this year, so she can go to Kindergarten and she's pumped about it!
Kevin is beginning his 13th year of teaching...old man!!! Football has been taking up a majority of his time currently. He has a very talented group of Freshmen, so he's looking at an underdefeated season, maybe.
As for me, I just ended my first week of class with Kinders. They are darling, as always. It's been 12years now with this age and I'm not sure how much longer I can do this grade. I may need a change soon.