Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good Times

It has been a lazy summer thus far. We've pretty much laid around, read all the gossip magazines, and told Tai and Marli that they MUST go outside and play! Since when did little kids not know how to play outside without adults? I mean, seriously, it is ridiculous how much entertainment Kevin and I must provide for our darlings. Geesh...get those biscuits outside and play! Good times...

I bought this beach ball sprinkler the other day and that provided a nights worth of laughs and giggles, but it has since been sitting in the outside toybox. We've tried to convince them that when we were kids we spent ALL day in the sprinkers, but our words are gibberish to them. Good times...

Kev and I have come to the conclusion that playdates are going to be a must this summer. If we are going to survive the next 2 months, we must start a calendar now of activities. Good times...


  1. What cute little kiddos you have!! I love Marli little gymnastics photo. I'd recommend Playdate Magazine for summer activities. We're going to be at Kissel Park tomorrow at just after 11 AM for the Arts Van and free summer lunches. We'd love to see you there!

  2. I hope we are going to be seeing you guys are Crescent Bar soon. We'll be there tomorrow later afternoon through Wednesday morning.
